Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Coconut shell flower vase decorated with news paper beads

We can reuse the coconut shell to make a lot of diy crafts like decorated umbrella, candle holder, flower vase etc... In this post, we are going to see the making of Coconut shell flower vase decorated with news paper beads. This flower vase look so good with lotus flowers. We can see the method of making now. If you want to see this craft tutorial video, CLICK here.

Materials needed:

      *Coconut shell (please try to open (break) the whole coconut with one side bigger (3/4 th) and one side smaller (1/4 th) which I couldn't make out perfect :-( )
       *News papers
       *Glue gun or instant glue (normal glue cannot be used to fix newspaper beads with the shell.
       *Bottle cap (like BRU coffee bottle cap with octagon shape)
       *Acrylic or oil paints (Oil paints take long time to dry)
       *Beads/color stones/pipe cleaner/small paper flowers/grains - for decorative purposes


Fold and tear the news papers into small square shapes.
Roll each square-cut papers by holding one end and rolling through the inner side to get paper strips.
Stick the last end of the paper with strip using glue.
Make strips 50-70 in numbers (depending upon the strip length and coconut shell's size). With each strip, hold and fold one end of the strip to get round beads. Fix the end using glue. Now we have 50-70 beads with roughly round shapes.
Take an octagonal shaped BRU instant coffee bottle cap (if available, or else any bottle cap with flat surface.) and fix the inner side with the bottom of the coconut shell using hot glue gun.
Fix paper beads one by one either from the upper side or bottom side of the coconut shell, closely and compactly.
Paint the inner side of the shell with complete black to hide the shell color.
Paint the beads with colors of your choice using acrylic paints.
After the paint dries perfectly, we can either simply use this as flower vase or we can decorate further with beads and color stones or whatever we have at home.
I have decorated with color stones, beads and pipe cleaners.

That's all... A very beautiful and creative flower vase is ready!
I accept that it takes time to make beads in large numbers, but when you finish this project, you seriously would not believe this is made with simple papers and coconut shell.
Thanks for reading my blog post. Feel free to share your comments and feedback.