Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Waste water bottle flower vase!

This flower vase is very easy to make, we can reuse the plastic water bottles beautifully. All we need is some bottles, glue gun, and paints. 
For my craft tutorial video, click the URL:

Materials used:

Empty bottles


Dry sticks

Glue gun



First cut the bottle into two half, as shown in picture. For making flower cut the upper part into 5-6 petals. Bend the petals downwards to get a good shape.

For making center bud, cut another bottle as above and again cut and remove the neck portion of its upperpart. Now we have the upperpart looks like a funnel without neck. Now, cut the funnel in cross section to make it flat and with that, cut again the flat shape into 8-9 petals and fold and roll up to get a bud shape.

Show the petals in candlelight so that the petals can shrink and bend slightly. Then, apply glue on the bottom of the bud and on the inner side of the neck cap, then insert the bud into the flower neck part.

Paint the flower petals with the color of your choice.

After the paints get dried, insert the flower onto the tip of the dry stick, and apply glue to fix the stick and flower properly.

Cut the remaining lower part of the bottle in leaf shapes, then paint in green color and glue with the stem. Do as many as needed, hold them together and insert into the long white color plastic bottle (decorate the vase as you wish) filled with clay or sand.

Flower vase is ready now! Try this at your home and give your feedbacks. Thank you...!!!

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