Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Recycled flower vase made with plastic can (milk jug)!

Plastic milk jug helps us to make lots of good crafts like different kinds of flowers, flower vase, wall crafts, peacock craft, etc.
This is an another way to make a flower vase with colorful milk jug plastic flowers. For tutorial video: My Facebook page:

Things needed:

Plastic milk jug (or any plastic bottle), Scissors, Marker pen, Dry sticks (dry stems with one or two branches), Tea extract, Acrylic paints or different color nail polishes, Glue gun or instant fix glue,normal glue, etc.


Take a bottle cap around 5 cm in diameter, using that cap, draw a outline circle on the plastic can with erasable marker. It is good, if we draw circles with various sizes.
Cut through the circles to get round plastic pieces.
Put a hole at the center of the round piece.
Draw lines to cut the petals.
Draw the petal shape and cut the extras.

Bend the petals over the backside.
For leaves, draw the outline as in picture.
Cut through the outline.
Take a dry stem,with having one or two branches, and insert the stem through the hole (but the stem should not extrude out).
Using glue gun or instant fix glue, apply over the front side and back side of the center flower, so that it get fixed permanently with the stem. Apply some normal glue at the flower center, and sprinkle tea extract. Fix the leaves with the stem at right places.
Paint the flowers and leaves with acrylic paints or different colored nail polishes.
Do the same, as many as needed.
Take a small paper cup,and paint it with brown color. Fill the cup with play-dough or any flour dough.
Insert the stems one by one and arrange them neatly.
That's all... A very beautiful flower vase or center piece is ready.
Thank You...!