Monday, March 16, 2015

Recycled plastic craft: White Oriental Lily with Plastic Milk Jug

Things needed:
Plastic milk jug or any plastic can
Acrylic paints (white, brown, green, yellow)
Glue gun
News paper
Floral tape
Scissors, Marker
Here, I have given pictorial (picture tutorial) for making Lily flowers. To see this as VIDEO tutorial, click the link:
* Draw petals on the milk can.
 * Cut the petals. for each flower, we need 5 petals.

 * Cut stamens like this (cut like thin strips, with round tip).
* Roll the paper from one end to make like a stick.

 Fix the stamens.
 * Bend the petals.
 Fix the petals.

 Roll the stem with floral tape.
 Draw leaf shape and cut through outline.

 Paint the flower and leaves.

 * Make 4-5 flowers.

 Tie all the stems together.

 Fix the leaves around the stem.

 Using dough or any filler, fix the flowers in a vase.